What Did the Shepherds Do after Christmas?

So, I woke up this morning with this question on my mind, "What did the shepherds do in the weeks and months after the birth of Jesus in the manger?" As I pondered the question, it brought back images of those long-ago January days of my childhood, watching my Dad as he ventured out into the subzero cold to care for our livestock. When it came to making sure our cattle could survive those cold and snowy winters, there was no such thing as a day off; I’m sure it was the same for those shepherds.
We all know the Christmas story—the angel appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of Jesus, and they rushed to Bethlehem to see the newborn Savior. But what did those shepherds do once they had seen the baby? The Bible tells us that after visiting the stable, the shepherds did something remarkable—they returned to their fields, “glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen” (Luke 2:20). But let’s dig a bit deeper into the story.
Imagine being a shepherd in those days—out in the fields and pastures, perhaps shivering a bit from the chill, but keeping a close watch on your animals. Then, everything changes! The heavens open, the angels sing, and you’re invited to witness one of the greatest events in history. I can’t imagine that you would ever see the world the same way again. After meeting Jesus, the shepherds couldn’t keep the news to themselves. The excitement and awe of what they had experienced were too powerful. But what did they do? They went back to caring for their flocks, but with a heart full of joy and praise, forever changed by the encounter with the Savior. They went back to their lives but carrying the good news with them. For them, it didn’t end on Christmas day. They didn’t keep the story to themselves. The Bible says they “made known the saying which was told them concerning this child” (Luke 2:17). Everywhere they went, they shared what they had seen and heard. They were the first evangelists, spreading the good news of Jesus far and wide.
As we move into the new year, it’s easy for the excitement of Christmas to fade away. But like the shepherds, we’re called to carry the joy of Jesus with us into every part of our lives. Whether we’re at work, with family, or simply going about our daily routines, we can share the hope, peace, and love that Jesus brought into the world.
Jerry Kahrs