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Sharon Kinsey's Reflections

The past six months have been complicated for many of us – aside from the glaring political unrest, contentious elections, family stuff, and the annoying little health issues that come with getting older, our busy schedules leave little time for daily reflection and spiritual practice. When I factor preparing Thanksgiving dinner and decorating for Christmas into the mix, I know my survival will, as always, depend on welcoming in God’s grace along with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding that anchors my life. Lately, I’ve been exploring how I might more completely experience the Spirit of God in my life. That word spirituality means a lot – any contact with or response to The Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction.


When I get anxious, for some reason life’s pressures override the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Or maybe I am not really listening for that still, small voice. A few weeks ago, I found a book on my shelf called The Kiss of God: 27 Lessons on the Holy Spirit. I suspect it was one from my mother’s collection since it was written in 2004, the year that we both joined FPCV. The author is James C. Howell, a Methodist pastor from Charlotte, North Carolina. He writes that some folks talk confidently about the topic, as if this Spirit lives next door or right down the hall…an easily accessible friend. Many others approach Rev. Howell and ask, “Just who is this Holy Spirit?” or, “How do I make a connection with the Holy Spirit in my life?” It comforts me to know that other Christians think, pray, wrestle, and find a real need to grow in the Spirit’s grip. 


For me, the Holy Spirit takes on different roles at different times. It comes into our lives, elusive and invisible, but, oh so powerful. We can’t really grab it because it’s God. It moves about the universe, bringing beauty, love, goodness, and light. According to Brian McLaren, Jesus promised those who follow him three things: first, life isn’t going to be easy, second, we are never alone, and third, everything will work out well in the end. When things aren’t going well, we just have to trust that the Spirit is right beside us, leading us along. Sometimes all it takes is gentle nudge to make things feel right. But other times, I wonder if the Spirit doesn’t get impatient with me…maybe I need “a good talkin’ to” or a sturdy shove in the right direction. But I do know this: Wherever I am going, in joy or sadness, during times of serenity and times of trial, the Holy Spirit is moving along with me; and when I stumble, it’s waiting with open arms. This is what it means for me to walk in faith, and not by sight.


In this most busy season, we can come to God and humbly ask for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day. We need an Advocate, a Comforter, a wise source of courage, truth, and abundant joy. 

                                               In my Redeemer’s name

                                               I give myself to Thee;

                                               And all unworthy as I am

                                              My God will cherish me.

                                               I make me wholly Thine!

                                               Thy love to me impart,

                                               And let Thy holy spirit shine

                                               For ever on my heart!

                                                                       --Anne Bronte



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