Sharon K's Blog
About ten days ago, I was sitting in the family waiting room at St. Mary’s Hospital in Hobart. I had a tote bag beside me that held my Kindle e-book, my phone, a bottle of water, a cereal bar, a small notebook, and other items to provide comfort while I waited. Jack was having surgery – in consultations with his physician, the procedure seemed to be a routine one that would take about 30 minutes. After about 10 minutes, my cell phone rang to let me know that the doctor would be coming down to talk to me. Alarm bells went off in my head. There had been a complication, a problem that did not show up on recent ultra-sounds or scans. Would I give my permission for a more invasive procedure?
And thus began a period of waiting filled with anxiety. I love a quote by Pastor Dennis Burke: “It is in the quiet times in His presence worshipping, waiting, praising, and listening that you enter the highest levels of prayer.” I couldn’t focus enough to read my book or play a game on my phone. I walked the halls for a while. It took a long time for a nurse to come and usher me back to where Jack was recovering.
Honestly, I don’t know anyone who likes waiting. As a sometimes-impatient Christian, I lean on the comfort of Scripture:
I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in
His word do I put my hope. --Psalm 130:5
The longer I waited, the more I considered all the scary “what ifs” that could be occurring in that operating room.
But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait
For the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.
--Micah 7:7
As time passed, I felt the prayers of my faith family covering Jack and his medical team; their good thoughts filled my heart. They were praying and I was praying. I stopped pacing, sipped my water, and waited. Sometimes it’s really difficult to wait for God to answer. I’m learning over time not to race ahead of God or second-guess his purposes for me and for those I love. God cares deeply for us; he was with me in that waiting room and with Jack in the operating room.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
So, Jack is recovering and renewing his strength before his next surgery which will be in about 3 weeks. I will be back in that same waiting room. Saying my prayers, listening for His voice, holding on to the promise that I’m not alone, Jack is not alone, we are his Beloved.