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Nancy Becker's Blog

At our weekly Thursday morning gatherings of the Comfort Stitchers our skilled multi-tasking members accomplish several things at the same time at each meeting. Usually, each one of us has a needlework project that is in process. We are mainly knitters and crocheters but other projects do crop up from time to time. In addition, we catch up on each other’s lives and the events in our families. We offer spirited opinions on various activities of the church and the town and the current state of the world. We talk about current movies and books, and we share pictures of our children and grandchildren.

Often, we talk about our lives and our faith at deeper levels. In one of these recent discussions, I was blessed by an observation by Sandy Sopata that really all of life can be seen as a series of healings. Everyone faces difficult times in life: death, illness, divorce, separations, relationship endings, disappointments. All of which require a time of healing in one’s life.

The earthly ministry of Jesus involved all kinds of healings. Healing events are mentioned throughout the gospels. All one has to do is read through a page or two of a gospel to see how prevalent this activity is with Jesus. Everywhere Jesus goes he encounters those needing healing.

Jesus heals the lame, the blind, the paralyzed, the mute, the deaf (Mt 15.30). He heals those with mental illness, unclean spirits, demon possession (Mt 18.16). He heals broken faith (Mark 9.24). On many occasions Jesus heals people of unidentified issues as he walks among crowds of people who come to him specifically for healing. Clearly, Jesus’ earthly ministry was largely one of healing -- healing of physical, relational, emotional, mental illnesses.

The main charge against Jesus was that he even healed people on the Sabbath. This was a serious crime in the code of the Pharisees. Jesus’ healings alarmed the Sabbath police and led to his arrest.

And as we know, this led to the most important healing that Jesus accomplished in his life which had to do with his death.

Usually in the Gospels when we read the word ‘heal’ or healing’, the Greek word which is translated is the word sozo. This is a word that can have several meanings in the Greek language. Another meaning of it is ‘to save’. In passages that say "Jesus Saves Us" it is a translation of that same word sozo.

The Apostle Paul was the person God inspired to interpret for us what the life and death and resurrection of Jesus means to us. Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesian church, “It is by Grace you have been saved (healed) through faith” (2.8-9). Also in his letter to the Romans Paul wrote “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved/healed” (Romans 10.13).

The great healing that Jesus has done for us is that he heals us from Sin, meaning all within us and in our world that separates us from God and God’s realm. “By Jesus’ wounds we are healed” (I Peter 2.24). We are made whole. Our relationship with God is healed and restored.

And that is Really Good News!!

Nancy Becker

Parish Associate

P.S. The Comfort Stitchers meets every Thursday at 10 am and is always open to welcome new participants.


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