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It Is a Lot...But That Is a Good Thing

As I was reflecting on all the activities within our church and the opportunities that exist to be involved and make an impact, I realized why this church is so special. FPCV thinks beyond itself and works to be a good Christian witness in the community and the world. Here’s my abbreviated, and admittedly incomplete, list of some of what is going on.


  • The Presbyterian Church Resale Shop is a key activity that I was initially involved in as part of the Administrative Commission but have become a volunteer who works along with Sharon a day or two each month at the counter in the store, listening and talking to people who come in to shop who rave about how nice it is and how valuable they feel it is in our community.

  • Working with the Refugee Support Group and members of Christ Lutheran Church that is helping the Venezuelan family of six that immigrated here, through the appropriate channels, and who are now trying to make their new life here in Valparaiso and NW Indiana. How difficult it must be for them, and yet how hardworking they are as they forge their way…with the help of many including us here at FPCV.

  • The Presbyterian Preschool that serves the Valpo community offering a quality experience for the children in its Early Learners and Pre-Kindergarten classes. What other impact this wonderful mission might make in the future is work for the Preschool Team to do as it looks to the future.

  • Our new solar panels are just a part of this congregation’s efforts to be environmentally responsible. The potential for new uses of our property and the wooded area where our pathway is located offer some new opportunities that are being explored.

  • Faith Formation classes for children, youth and adults that now use a new curriculum called Godly Play that offers a different, engaged approach. The opportunity to start Sunday morning in an adult-oriented discussion has been very valuable for me; and I encourage others to consider joining in.

  • Pastor Kim’s work with her Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program’s cohort #8 that has provided her in-person experiences in other parts of this world that she can then share with all of us is unique. We all benefit from her experiences; and  

  • FPCV’s involvement in “We Make Indiana: Faith in our Future” as a way to work with the faith community and local leaders to find solutions to the challenges faced in our community. . .

  •  And more…

There is a lot going on… and that is good thing.


So, it is appropriate that our Stewardship effort this year is about “What We Are Made For.” The personal testimonies have been powerful and helping this congregation be positioned financially to be able to do what we are made for resonates with me… and hopefully with you.


Blessings to all.




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