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Who Was That Masked Man?

Many of us in the "at risk" group based on age remember a popular TV series from a long time ago... the 1950's... where that dialog question always got into the script and was usually spoken by one of the people who had had a wrong that was righted by a mysterious no-name individual who always did the right thing. Yup... he was the Lone Ranger, a guy who fought for right and always won out over evil. Most likely in today's world some people would take issue with him and his tactics, but back then, he stood for what was good and right... and he wore a white hat along with his mask to signal that to everyone. Simpler times for sure.

Today, "who was that masked man?" takes on a whole different meaning. The Comfort Stitchers have spent time making masks for our congregation and others. These masks are not to hide our identity, even though some bad people still use them for that purpose, rather they are intended to protect us or at least remind us that the COVID-19 virus has not totally departed; and we need to be vigilant about NOT inadvertently spreading it to others. So "who is that masked person?" may become an interesting and fun question in the future when we again gather together to worship in our church building.

Then there is that phrase..."keep your distance" which today also takes on a whole other meaning. When used before the COVID-19 pandemic it meant..."to avoid going near someone or something, or to avoid getting too friendly with people." Today, it means respect others and keep that 'social distancing' that is proving to be helpful in slowing the spread of the virus. We want to be friendly with our church family members, but for now, we must show it with a little more distance in between us.

It won't be long before we are again worshiping together. Some will be wearing our Comfort Stitcher masks or some other kind of mask... and most of us will likely be 'keeping our distance' from others, not because we want to, but because it is the right thing to do at this time.

The physical presence protocols may be different as we re-open the church at a time yet-to-be-determined, but we will still be in the House of Lord and I for one can't wait. Be safe everyone; and I hope I can recognize you under your mask when I see you in our church building in the not too distant future.

Jim Hubbard

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