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The Process Works!

This Sunday is our first Sunday with our new Pastor/Head of Staff, the Reverend Kimber-lee Adams. We are all glad to have her with us and leading our congregation. How she ended up as our newest pastor is the result of an established process, a process used by the PCUSA to fill vacant pastor positions that some view as a bit cumbersome... and even slow. And yet, it works.

As a member of the Pastor Nominating Committee, I can attest that the process is one that affords both the 'seeking congregation' and the 'available pastor candidates' the opportunity to fully explore whether there is a "good match"... something that is important to achieve in any new pastor / congregation relationship.

As your PNC neared the end of the process, we made a decision to augment some of the process formality with less formality by deciding to have an 'ice cream social' in the pavilion, thereby creating an opportunity to meet the pastor candidate in a more informal setting. Those who were able to stop by during that event had the opportunity to meet Pastor Kim and her wonderful family. In turn, Pastor Kim, and her family, got to meet many of her new congregation as well. Thus, the next day, her Candidate Sunday, she was not preaching to total strangers, rather it was to some of her newest acquaintances.

Throughout the search process, our congregation continued worshiping together, supporting each other, carrying out our programs and doing mission work... NOT 'just waiting' for a new pastor to arrive. This congregation's willingness to move forward, rather than stall during the search process, was a factor in Pastor Kim's decision to accept a call with us... along with our 'welcoming attitude'... something she also noticed.

The search process has resulted in what we believe is the sought-after "good match." Starting this past Monday, September 16, 2019, Pastor Kim was in place and our new pastor is on the job. I believe this is the beginning of a wonderful journey together, and I am excited for our congregation.

Let's fill the sanctuary this Sunday ... and every Sunday... continuing to show this congregation as an engaged and spirit-filled group of Christians worshiping God and doing His will in the world. See you Sunday.

Jim Hubbard

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