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Jerry Kahrs
Jun 26, 2021
Simple Joys
A heartfelt hug from a loved one, an ear-to-ear smile not hidden by a mask, reminiscing with beloved family members over home-made...

Nancy Becker
Jun 18, 2021
Things to Keep
I have a file folder titled ‘things to keep’. Pretty general. I was looking in it for an old photo and instead found an old essay (so...
Lou Ann Karabel
Jun 11, 2021
Who is Jesus?
Let’s begin this blog a bit differently than usual. I’d like you to take a moment to think about this question: Who is Jesus for you?...

Jim Hubbard
Jun 4, 2021
A Different Year…. Summer Is Here!
Having put the ‘lost year’ of 2020 behind us, we are entering the Summer of 2021 in a much more positive mood. The weather is warming,...

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