Sunday Morning services are now being conducted live and in-person in our spacious indoor sanctuary. For those who choose not to attend our live service, we offer our on-line streamed service. Both our live and our streamed services are at 10 AM each Sunday Morning. Join us here on this website, on YouTube, or on our Facebook Page.
Note: we have available for newborns to 3-years olds a Nursery staffed with a child CPR certified staff person from 8:45am- 11:45am on Sundays.
Our Mission
We are a Presbyterian Church (USA) of Purpose, Prayer, Presence, Power, and People. We know that it is not about us, but about God working through us so that we can
Teach as Jesus taught
Pray as Jesus prayed
Serve as Jesus served
Love as Jesus loves.
We are here for the strong and the sturdy, the lost and the lonely, the battered and the bored, as well as the bruised and the broken. At First Presbyterian Church, you will be cared for, and you will be called upon to care for others.
God does not call the equipped, but God equips the called.